Balance Bike, Fun Way to Train Child's Body and Brain Balance

Inviting children to walk to the toy store would be fun for them. However, have you ever seen a bicycle without pedals during a visit to a children's toy store? Don't be confused, Ma. This is called a balance bike, a bicycle toy that is 'present' now.

Although not too many children use this bike, but surely Mama has seen a small child playing with a balance bike just being pushed to his feet.

If in the past three or four-wheeled bicycles were the child's choice of toys, as time went on the balance bike began to replace and favor more children.

Bicycles without pedals or balance bikes can turn out to be a medium for learning early cycling, and have other benefits that are good for children's growth and development, Ma.

What do you think about that? C'mon, Ma, listen to interesting info that has summarized about the balance bike you need to know before giving it to your little one.

1. What is a balance bike?
Balance bike is a two-wheeled bicycle without pedals that teach toddlers from the age of 18 months to train their balance.

After a short learning period, toddlers and children will start learning to ride, jump, and glide on bikes without the help of their parents.

The concept of the balance bike itself is quite simple, a two-wheeled bicycle that does not have a pedal or drive system will be driven by children by walking, running or gliding. So you need to prepare beforehand, Ma, before giving this type of bike to him.

2. Better than a tricycle

Apparently, this balance bike is better than a tricycle or training wheels for kids, Ma. Why is that?

On a tricycle or training wheel, it will usually end on an uneven or tilted surface.

On a balance bike, children will focus more on balance than pedaling. This makes them far more prepared to lose an unexpected balance and far less likely to fall.

This bike, which is designed for children from 2 years old, aims to teach children the balance position in the right way.

So the benefits gained from balance bikes are great for training the balance of children compared to using a tricycle.

3. Benefits of a balance bike

Already know, Ma, what is balance bike? Well, now you need to know what benefits children can get when using a balance bike.

Here are some of the benefits of balance bikes for children:

Exercising body balance
Some parents who have trained their children to ride two-wheeled bikes certainly understand how difficult and difficult it is. Having to hold on to a child while riding a bicycle, while hunching over is certainly a fun thing but still melting down huh, Ma?

When your little one is able to walk, Mama can train him using a balance bike early on. This is so that when children start using ordinary bicycles with pedals, they can already balance their bodies, only needing to get used to using pedals.

Train the child's gross motor skills
Balance bike is also good for training the child's leg and hand motor skills. Because the legs are used to stand up, push, which will be assisted by hands to hold and direct the bicycle handlebar.

Perhaps many parents find it difficult to find ways to practice gross motor skills that children love. With a balance bike, the gross motor power will develop faster and they will do it happily.

Train the muscle and brain coordination of children
Not only adults, children also need the logic of the brain, which will order the body to move in balance. Likewise, when children begin to turn and brake their bicycle. This is what makes the child's muscles and brain work will be trained.

Make children bolder
You know, Ma, it turns out that balance bike can make a child go biking even further and try new places that he hasn't tried before. Eits, still under the supervision of Mama or Papa yes of course.

Unlike tricycles which are usually limited to flat roads, balance bikes can be used on dirt roads even if their feet are still strong. So they will ask to be trained in other places that they have not yet tried. Exciting, right, Ma?

4. What is the best age for riding a balance bike?

Balance bike itself is available in a variety of sizes, ranging from the smallest bikes that are suitable for toddlers 18 months, while the largest that began to be designed for adults. Usually, toddlers and children who can use this balance bike from the age of 18 months to 5 years.

However, if Mama is still afraid to provide balance bike because the age of the little one who is still too young to ride it, Mama can train her body and motor balance with several toys that can help prepare the child to ride a balanced bicycle.

Well, that's interesting and important things Mama knows about balance bikes for children. Besides having benefits of growth and development, it certainly makes children happy.

Have you tried giving this to Little One? How does he feel when playing this, Ma? Let's tell in the comment column the experience of Mama and Little One using balance bike.

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